Taxi Ranks in Sligo

Where to Find Taxis in Sligo Town?

There are a number of taxi ranks located throughout the town, making it easy to find a taxi whenever you need one.

Here are the main taxi ranks in Sligo town:

  • Quay Street: This is the main taxi rank in Sligo town, located on Quay Street near the Town Hall. This rank is always busy, so it's a good option if you need a taxi quickly.
  • Castle Street: This taxi rank is located on Castle Street, near the Sligo Castle. It's a bit quieter than the Quay Street rank, but it's still a good option if you're looking for a taxi in the town center.
  • Stephen Street: This taxi rank is located on Stephen Street, near the Cathedral. It's a bit further out of the town center, but it's a good option if you're looking for a taxi to the airport or to the train station.
  • Harmony Hill: This taxi rank is located on Harmony Hill, near the Radisson Blu Hotel. It's a good option if you're looking for a taxi to the university or to the hospital.

In addition to these main taxi ranks, there are also a number of smaller taxi ranks located throughout Sligo town. These smaller ranks are often less busy, so they may be a good option if you're looking for a taxi at a quieter time of day.

You can also hail a taxi on the street in Sligo town. However, it's important to note that taxis may be scarce at peak times, such as late at night or on weekends.


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